Connecting the pieces of your DNA puzzle
adoptees / unknown father
DNA analysis
traditional genealogy
Connecting the pieces of your DNA puzzle
Are you searching for biological family? Did your DNA test leave you with more questions than it answered?
Since 2013, we have helped hundreds of adoptees and others with unknown ancestors find the answers they have been looking for their entire lives. Many others have taken a DNA test and discovered secrets that are surprising or upsetting. They need answers and guidance on how to blend this new information with what they know of their family.
Whether you are interested in names, photos, medical information or an introduction to your biological family, your success depends on the skill and experience of the person handling your search. Our team will always protect your privacy and personal information, and all parties will be treated with respect and compassion.
​We use your DNA combined with traditional genealogy to discover your biological family. Our method is efficient and effective, allowing us to quickly identify your ancestors. See what our client's say about us on our Reviews page!
DNAhelp.net can also help with traditional genealogy - from building your family tree to researching sources to breaking through brick walls.
Put your search in the right hands and let us deliver your answers!
Our Services
Expert assistance for all your DNA needs
Ready to find your answers?
Send us an email and include:
Who you are looking for, or what you need help with
What sites you have tested on
Any other information you think will help
Do not send login information! If needed, we will provide you with a password to use on your sites. You can change it back when we are finished. Please do not send payment at this time.